A very strong and human friendly virucide

As our company is specializing in distribution of ozone generators kits for home use for medical purposes, my business partner and myself have been in possession of ozone generator kits for years and have been using them on a daily basis in our own homes.

I want to apologize that I have not shared with you many ways I use it. I hope to make up for my negligence in this post.

Originally I started to use ozone to clean my house, my car, my office space as a result of my oldest daughter showing severe allergies to many chemicals. I had no choice, so I tried it, and since then I have never had to worry about viruses, bacteria or other pathogens lingering on the surfaces in my home. I use ozone water mainly on nonporous surfaces: I disinfect sinks, counters, desks, door handles, knobs, floors, toilet bowls, pet spaces, garbage bins weather made of glass, stone, stainless steel, or hard plastics and I even add it to my laundry.

I must say that ozonated water is a far superior sanitizer than anything else available on the market. It leaves no residue but the fresh scent, the same scent which we take into our lungs when outside after a thunderstorm.

Well, what can I say, the nature has used ozone to disinfect the air for eons. So what makes us believe that other man-made harsh chemicals are any more powerful than the nature cleaner, the ozone?

Did you know that it takes 10 minutes for household bleach to work on the cleaning surfaces? On the other hand ozonated water destroys 99.9% of viruses bacteria and fungi in the first 30 seconds when it reaches the surface.

A crucially important factor is that ozonated water is non-toxic to humans. It decomposes rapidly, quickly and effectively destroying bacteria and other pathogens immediately after it. White it quickly and effectively kills bacteria and other pathogens it turns immediately into oxygen and water and is not lingering in the air of our homes as a dangerous gas. Again it is as powerful and natural as only mother nature can be in cleansing our air and leaving it fresh, crispy and perfectly breathable.

If you are unsure of this then please go outside after thunderstorm and breathe in the air filled with ozone which we can pick up easily through our senses.

Further you need to understand that the amount of ozone present in the air is so minute that you do not have to worry about any side effects from breathing it into your lungs. It is definitely not another caustic chemical built in the labs of profiteering companies and marketed without any consideration for the long-term effects on our health and the health of our children.

With ozonated water your counters, door handles, light switches, sinks are disinfected and sterilized in 30 seconds. Even children’s toys can be easily disinfected with no worries of finding them in the mouth of our crawlers seconds later. Ozone will merciless attack and destroy bacterial cells, destroy viruses’ ability to reproduce and inhibit any growth of fungi thus keeping us safe.

Are you still wondering about the benefits of the ozone power?

Don’t forget you can clean your groceries, wash vegetables or fruits off pesticides and other microorganisms. Your vegetables will stay crispy and fresh much longer!

Ozone is truly amazing and I do not know what I would have turned to if I wouldn’t have had this tool at home.

Now whether you have an ozone generator for medical purpose and will now extend its use or whether you purchase an ozone generator for cleansing purposes and will learn with time the many other ozone applications, ozone generator is a gem that will serve you for years to come and an absolute must in your home!

Get it now!


(More info: ”Wastewater technology fact sheet. Ozone disinfection” by United States Environmental Protection Agency)


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