A wise bear always keeps a marmalade sandwich in his hat in case of emergency

We are aware that you care about your health, wellbeing, and your future.

We want to share some GOODNESS to counterbalance the bad that we keep hearing about: nose-diving dollar, breaking food supply chains, inflation, prognosis of sweeping food shortages and other.

TODAY we have something tangibly good to share with you.

After the events of last couple of years, the world is now talking about preparedness hacks. We want to address a fundamental subject of having access to clean water by collecting and purifying water for emergencies.

Our intention is not to induce panic. We want you to feel more at peace and be more prepared just in case for the worse to come.

So, as different sources tell us that we should be prepared for the worst, we tend to agree that it is always better to prepare too early, than grope for solutions when it is too late.

Being prepared for the worst which may or may not come, will ensure that we will not be caught off base and will NOT become the effect of shortages. Being more self-reliant will make us less dependent of governmental restrictions, price fluctuations and other threats to our wellbeing. We are sure feel the same. Of course, there are degrees of self-reliance, but good drinking water is a MUST and thus needs to be addressed as a priority.

heavy-rain-Image by chulmin park from PixabayWe suggest collecting rainwater and finding a system to make this water storable and usable.

You can simply start with purchasing a rainwater barrel made of wood or hard-plastic and available in any garden or hardware store. You can then connect it to your rainwater pipe to fill it up. It is a simple set up that can be used to water plants but also can be used as drinking water, if you prefer.

If you want to use it as drinking water, you will need that rain barrel to be covered to keep bugs and leaves out of it.


Use our Recover U OZONE GENERATOR that comes with a ready to use home kit Natural bokeh blue water backgroundto purify the water using low concentration of ozone gas. By treating your water with ozone, it will become pristine clean and ready for consumption within minutes. You will not only have clean water but also energy rich water without using any bleach or other toxic chemicals. Down the line even these chemicals may not be readily available or could cost you a pretty penny.


OZONE is a bactericide and virucide. It is used in clinics around the world to kill bacteria, viruses, different types of molds, deliver extra oxygen into the mitochondria, balance the immune system, detoxify, and rebuild.

Recover U OZONE GENERATOR is available for home use, fully setup with accessories and has a lifetime warranty.

We wouldn’t want to face the world in crisis without it… order one now.

“A wise bear always keeps a marmalade sandwich in his hat in case of emergency.” – Michael Bond, “A Bear Called Paddington”

Best 🙂
Ewa & Maya


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