Brilliant ozone therapy application

One brilliant ozone therapy application is a rectal application of the ozone gas. It is useful and effective but underutilized.

It is a fascinating form of ozone therapy application from the viewpoint that:
1. many diseases start in the intestines (where most of our immune system resides);
2. it travels straight to the liver.

Your liver is such a regulating force. It takes stuff out and put things in. It is like your second brain. It is busy monitoring body activities, taking care of more than 200 bodily functions. This organ is beat up day in, day out.

One of the most valuable things you can give to vulnerable, health challenged people we talked about, is to give them a gentle way to detox liver.

Those two reasons are why rectal ozone application is such a valuable form of ozone therapy.

It can be done at home saving money and inconvenience and it actually can match the clinical effect of ozone IV therapy.

We can say that ozone rectal therapy is able to activate the “black box” of healing by revitalizing the liver, helping the gut to heal and keep us going.

Ozone therapy is a hormetic treatment – the small substance dose does the opposite to what high dose does – a statement given by Dr. Shallenberger. Below is the explanation of the hormesis meaning small dose of ozone applied therapeutically improves body functioning but high dose impairs it.

A concept of hormesis refers to adaptive responses of biological systems to moderate environmental or self-imposed challenges through which the system improves its functionality and/or tolerance to more severe challenges.

All chronically sick and health compromised people could benefit from ozone therapy.

O3 is a priceless and amazing gift from nature helping in tackling body energy production, fixing metabolism and ultimately balancing the symphony of immune system response.


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