In his latest video interview Dr. Robert Rowan elaborates on extraordinary features of ozone applied therapeutically and why it is an imperative component of healing modalities used in progressive, cutting edge medicine.
Oxygen is the most important element to our survival, brain will decompose without it in three minutes!
When your body is infected with a virus your immune system comes alive to mount a response against an invader. At that time your immune system is consuming 50 times more oxygen then in its resting state. You need to bring that oxygen into those immune cells if they are going to work in your defense!
BUT here is the catch-22 – where there is an inflammation in your body there is a definite reduction in circulation so there is less oxygen getting to where you need it the most. It is a double edge sword. One thing is making the other worse… How do you break the cycle?
You have to get more oxygen in. It is found that OZONE increases red cells’ 2,3 DGP! The 2,3 DGP is a compound that regulates the oxygen release. It allows a higher rate of oxygen to be delivered from the red blood cells (that carry oxygen) to the immune system cells that are in a great need for oxygen.
Ozone helps in off-loading of the oxygen cargo from the red blood cells and be delivered to the immune system cells and the rest of the cells in your body.
Next advantage of bringing in ozone into your body is that it increases the flexibility of the red blood cells. The importance of that is that red blood cells have a diameter larger than that of the capillaries and they need to flex and fold to get through the capillaries. If they do not then your blood system will build up a sludge!

Ozone increases the red cells’ flexibility and so it improves circulation.
It keeps the capillaries clear to do their job of bringing oxygen where is needed.
All the Best,
Ewa & Maya