How you could win the battle with low energy

Hope you all had an enjoyable Eastern holidays.

Myself, after spending some time hiking with my family on Sunday, I was able to sit back for “me time” with the love of my life – the integrative medicine. In the comfort of my home I engulfed myself in the recordings of lectures and interviews of some of the greatest minds in this field of medicine.

There are always some new paths, new treatment plans, new formulas or just further applications and adjustments on ones well used. Listening to these giants is very important for me, it always broadens my horizons, allows me to contribute further to our clients. It has been also very reassuring that I am on the right track when it comes to ozone – there is no limit to its application to human body and the improvements it can bring!

According to Dr. Frank Shallenberger ozone use in medicine is imperative.

It works on so many ills. With its many forms of application it counters autoimmunity, infections, metabolism issues, premature aging, energy production and many by the extraordinary ramification of it’s basic powers.

Ozone, a high potency oxygen is our sole energy source. There is a linear relation between energy our body produces and our metabolism. Ozone is a prime mover of electrons. Movement of electrons is critical in energy production, management of body metabolism and all other physiological body functions.

And what is the most common complaint in doctors’ offices?

LOW energy.

The process of metabolism slows down not only when people age, but also when they have a poor lifestyle or are toxic.

People who have good metabolism seldom get sick and never complain of low energy.

The paradigm of our times is that a big subset of our population start very early experiencing symptoms of low energy, poor metabolism, premature aging. Many of them suffer from chronic diseases, various inflammatory processes and mitochondrial dysfunction. This phenomenon is easily related to the toxicity of our planet. It is very important to measure metabolism in those challenged people as they can be helped getting over their diseased state.

It is vital to implement ozone in one’s life whether you are well or in the stage of sickness. Ozone will help you to detox and bring active oxygen where it is needed.

If you have some time then I recommend listening to an interesting YouTube series by Dr. Frank Shallenberger that explains more about metabolism, energy production, oxygen utilization, regaining mitochondrial function and eventually regaining health.

Till next time,


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