Immune system modulator

Recently, we have started zeroing in on the various aspects of ozone’s therapeutic benefits that make OZONE such a powerful weapon against bacteria and viruses alike. Today we will go a step further in showing the importance of ozone in current times by taking up next benefits of ozone.

Dr. Robert Rowen goes over this in one of his latest interviews titled “We are being Pharmed by Pharma” (51:11).

In this post we are giving an abbreviated version of another part of his interview.

Our bodies are pro-oxidant. We are awash in free radicals. The body makes ozone, bleach, hydrogen peroxide and other forms of reactive oxygen. All of them are in an equilibrium and they are there to hurl at the invader and help fight the virus. The body produces more and more oxidants when you get sick or infected. Now you have too many free radicals!

Too many free radicals mean major issues. The manifestations could be heart disease, clogged artery, or coagulation problems or worsening of whatever issue you might be predisposed to.

Corona virus and Ebola are a perfect example of this. Both diseases killed people by something called cytokine storm. Both, like a stealth infection are delayed in their manifestation. Again, the virus might start benign, maybe in sinuses or throat, and then it works its way down to lungs. The immune system is not aroused until later in the game. When it comes on board, the immune system may start pulling out bazookas trying to destroy everything in sight, bringing on more and more free radicals on board and possibly causing many other complications.

OZONE modulates the immune system. It has been shown through basic science that OZONE helps restoring the equilibrium to a point where it will NOT overwhelm the body.

Dr. Robert Rowan has written about this particular effect of ozone explicitly in his article on Ebola “Ozone and oxidation therapies as a solution to the emerging crisis in infectious disease management: a review of current knowledge and experience”.

We have explained this phenomenon attributed to ozone previously, but it cannot be overstated enough.

Ozone has a huge impact on the immune system, modulating it and adjusting the body’s defense system to be effective against the virus but leaving the host, YOU, unharmed.

All the Best,
Ewa & Maya


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