
Ozone therapy belongs to bio-oxidative therapies. It involves administering small amounts of diluted ozone into/onto the body for the prevention of disease.

Ozone is an unstable, strong oxidizing gaseous molecule comprised of 3 oxygen atoms.

The philosophy behind bio-oxidative therapies is a simple one. The use of ozone for therapeutic purposes is based on the concept that the accumulation of toxins in the body is burnt up by the process of oxidation (a substance is changed chemically due to the effect of oxygen on it). Oxidation breaks the toxins down into carbon dioxide and water and eliminates them from the body.

If the body is low on oxygen (through lack of exercise, environmental pollution, improper diet and poor breathing), it cannot eliminate toxins adequately and a toxic buildup occurs. When poor oxygenation continues it leads to increased toxic body burden and consequently, it causes a wide range of diseases.

Ozone is a powerful oxidizer and at appropriate doses provides the body with active forms of oxygen orally, intravenously (in the clinic) or through the skin. Once in the body ozone breaks down into various oxygen subspecies. When the body becomes saturated with these special forms of oxygen, it reaches a state of purity (microorganisms are killed, while the underlying toxicity is oxidized and eliminated).

According to Frank Shallenberger, MD, president of The American Academy of Ozonotherapy ozone therapy affects the human body in the following ways:

  • Removes toxins from the body
  • Directly kills microbes in the body
  • Enhances immune system function
  • Oxygenates the body and increases cellular energy production
  • Increases antioxidant enzyme systems in healthy cells

“Oxygen is the most vital element required for human life and it is the key to good health. We can survive without water for a week and go without food for a month, but we can only live a few minutes without oxygen. Oxygen is the life-giving, life-sustaining element. All body activities require oxygen. Through oxidation, the body generates heat and energy from its fuel, and disposes of wastes and microbes. Our bodies are two-thirds water. Since the water in our bodies is itself 8/9 oxygen by weight, we are therefore composed of nearly 60% oxygen. The best way to optimize health is to oxygenate every cell in our body. The more oxygen we have in our system, the more energy we produce, and the more efficiently we can eliminate wastes. Good health is dependent on the production, maintenance and flow of energy, which is produced by the oxidation of sugar. Oxidation is central to metabolism, circulation, respiration, digestion, assimilation and elimination. Oxygen purifies the blood, keeping it free of cellular waste buildup. Sufficient oxygen allows the body to rebuild itself and maintain the immune system. The basic requirements for each cell are sugar, amino acids, minerals, hormones, enzymes and oxygen.”

Excerpt from “The Story of Ozone” by Dr. Saul Pressman, DCh, LTOH

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