Ozone and animal health

My love for pets is enormous, and they have always been a big part of my life. Based on my understanding of ozone I have often applied it gently to my animals. However, I am by no means an expert in animal health care, so to broaden my knowledge, I have recently spend some time listening to Dr. Margo Roman. She is a world renown veterinarian who is an expert in ozone (O3) therapies applied to animals: horses, dogs, cats and even farm animals.

She states that ozone (O3), the active form of oxygen, helps to stimulate the mitochondria and that oxygen is the most important thing we need to flood into our bodies. This substance is indeed imperative. We need to increase the level of oxygen going in the mitochondria of our cell to produce extra ATP and NAD/NADH and to support the Krebs cycle, the very important process in cellular physiology.

This cellular component is utilized in human health in the integrative field of medicine.

What we see with ozone is the increase of microcirculation, the circulation of the blood in the smallest blood vessels.

When we give ozone therapy, we can deliver it in many ways.

The most common way in a veterinary clinic is through a subcutaneous saline injection.

dog-Image by Agata Nyga from PixabayAt home, for example, we can make ozone saline solution to flush the teeth of our animals regularly. The American Dental Association has now included ozone as part of the way to care for human mouth. Animal teeth are just as full of bacteria as human’s – they should be flushed out regularly to avoid tooth decay and infections.

A low ozone concentration of saline solution can be also used to wash pet’s eyes when infected.

Other ways that you can use ozone is to bubble the ozone gas through olive oil and then bring it into the ear cavities of your animal to get rid of ear infection or ear mites. Ozone which has been bubbled through olive oil can be inhaled without irritating the lungs. In this form ozone has a slightly altered molecular structure but remains its effectiveness.

Another application could be bagging of a limb or a foot for cuts and infections also in tandem with antibiotics. Cleaning wounds with ozone instead of cleaning them with some type of strong chemical makes the cells heal much faster.

Cats or dogs with skin issues, bolding spots, rushes, or boils can be treated by topical application of ozonated olive oil or ozone body bagging as mentioned above.

Ozone can be as beneficial to your pets as to you or vice versa.

OZONE is now a tool for the ENTIRE family, including your four-legged members!

All the Best,


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