Recover U ozone sauna provides fundamental treatment. A treatment which accompanies and supports many others.
Ozone molecules are naturally present in every living thing. The way it works is simple yet so efficient.
When a cell becomes stressed by a physical or chemical shock or bacterial, fungal or viral attack, the energy levels are reduced by the outflow of electrons, making the cell electropositive. Once ozone is introduced, it reacts with these damaged cells, neutralizing the damage. Even better, the amazing part is that ozone treatment only targets diseased cells and pathogens, leaving healthy cells alone.
Some of the benefits:
- Destroys viruses, bacteria, fungi, yeast and parasites.
- Stimulates immune system
- Cleans arteries and veins
- Improves cardiovascular health
- Oxidizes toxins
- Reduces inflammation and pain
- Calms nerves
- Improves brain function and memory
The continued used of the Recover U ozone steam sauna will provide you with something you have never experienced: health, vitality, beauty and healing treatments without ever having to step foot out.
It is natural, practical and extremely easy. The detoxifying effects allow your body to increase defences and heal itself.
Universal Applications
- Prevention and treatment of chronic disease, fibromyalgia, arthritis, cardiovascular, conditions inflammation and pain management, co-infections as occurring in Lyme disease and others, cancer co-management in integrative medicine
- In aesthetics and beauty as a cellulite treatment, for skin rejuvenation and muscle toning
- Weight loss
- Detoxification
- In sports medicine for improving athletic performance, stamina and faster recovery

Ozone Steam Sauna – FAQ
What is the ozone-oxygen sauna?
An ozone hyperthermic chamber is an enclosed box that you sit inside. Your head stays outside and allows you to tolerate a higher temp longer as you are breathing ambient room air. Steam is produced inside the chamber to increase the temperature anywhere from 90 degrees up to 130 degrees and the ozone is pumped into the chamber. You are receiving the Ozone Steam!
How long the ozone sauna session lasts?
The session takes 15-30 minutes. If at any point during your session you need to exit the chamber, you can easily open the doors and step out quickly. The chamber is made to have your head outside because inhaling high concentration oxygen-ozone mixture can irritate your lungs. Smelling ozone at very low concentration is okay. When ozone is absorbed through the skin it is very safe.
How does the ozone sauna help me?
Plenty of detoxification is taking place inside your body during your Ozone Sauna session. The effects of Ozone Sauna therapy are cumulative, and the many benefits associated with it reveal themselves over long-term use mostly for lymphatic and immune systems, all your body elimination systems and your metabolism. The Ozone Sauna can help you decrease the toxic body burden and it greatly increases the oxygen level of all your cells. The sauna session relaxes muscles, helps with aches and pains, and increases your energy levels. Many women say that it helps get rid of cellulite and stretch marks, as well as menstrual cramps. It can help to heal injuries faster than normal. It’s great for skin problems. If you’re sick with a cold or the flu, your body creates a fever to “cook” invading viruses and bacteria to make them harmless. During the sauna session by creating an “artificial” fever, the same mechanism can help your body purge many unwanted invaders. Greatly lowered toxic body burden help you improve your health and stay healthy in the future. People feel fantastic after the sauna sessions, and many claimed regained lost vitality and zest for life.
Who could benefit from ozone steam sauna sessions?
Who is not toxic these days? We are all living in such a polluted world today that every human being would benefit from using Ozone Steam Sauna. Particular professions though are known to pose a greater risk of potentially toxic exposure such as painters, mechanics, lab techs, scientists, engineers, factory workers, military personnel, medical personnel, homemakers. The Ozone Steam Sauna is a special treat that relaxes you and helps you stay healthy! And your skin feels amazing after!
Who can not use the ozone steam sauna?
The Ozone Sauna therapy is a powerful tool for wellness, with no risk of harming the body through correct use we always advise to talk to your health provider prior to starting it.
Although it is gentle and generally safe sauna therapy is not for people who suffer from serious heart challenge.
“Unlike other methods of ozone application, employing ozone in a steam sauna will induce the “healing crisis”, which feels like having the flu for a few days. People should be informed of this effect so they can be prepared, and welcome it as a sign of beneficial healing. Skin rashes are common as the toxins are pushed out through the skin rapidly. Often the rash is very itchy, and this can be 16 alleviated by taking protease enzymes, and applying Gardener’s Dream Cream. The more frequent the treatments, the more rapid the healing, and the more severe the healing reactions will be. It may become so uncomfortable that the person will need to reduce the frequency of treatments from once daily to once weekly.
Typical treatments are once daily for 30 minutes duration. Persons with heart conditions should be limited to 15 minutes at a lower temperature for the first few sessions, increasing to 20, 25 and then 30 minutes, as the body adjusts to the thermal stress over time. People who have had a previous stroke should not do saunas, but can do ozone in other ways. Flow rate of ozone into the cabinet is at 1/2 l/m in order to fill the large volume and overcome the loss of ozone to heat. Concentration ranges from 35 to 40 ug/ml. A series of treatments usually consists of 10-30 applications.
The effect of the ozone on any particular organ can be intensified by cupping with a funnel while in the steam cabinet. This is especially effective with hepatitis, diverticulitis, pancreatitis and cancer. It also involves the person in actively taking responsibility for initiating the healing process. Flow rate for cupping should be at 1/8 l/m, with concentrations from 40 – 50 ug/ml. Novel application techniques are: placing the output tubing in the armpit and holding the arm against the body, so that the ozone enters the lymph system; placing the end of the tubing in the mouth to treat the teeth, (carefully avoiding inhaling, or swallowing); and sitting on the end of the tubing, so that ozone enters the perineum area.”
Excerpt from “The Story of Ozone” by Dr. Saul Pressman, DCh, LTOH