Success with Our Four-Legged Furry Friend

Here is a pet owner’s success story that we are eager to share with you.
“Last week, as I was en route to Toronto, I dropped off my pup at his pet hotel—a dog wellness center—for an overnight stay.
I always feel fortunate to have such a reliable place for him. However, when I returned to pick him up, the owner informed me that unfortunately, the center had been affected by the Parvo virus.
For those who may not be familiar with this virus: Canine Parvovirus (Parvo) is one of the most serious viruses that dogs can become infected with.
This virus is resilient, exhibiting a prolonged lifespan in the environment. It is highly contagious, with infected dogs shedding the virus in significant quantities. Parvo can be fatal, especially without prompt and proper treatment, posing a particularly heightened risk to puppies and adolescent dogs.
The virus primarily targets the small intestinal tract, impacting the entire gastrointestinal (GI) system and bone marrow. Additionally, it has the potential to cause inflammation of the heart in both younger and older pups. (By the way, there are various strains of parvovirus that affect felines in a similar manner.)
While not invariably fatal, the most critical period is typically within 24–72 hours after the onset of Parvo symptoms in dogs. Timely and comprehensive treatment significantly influences the outcome, with a survival rate of approximately 75–80% when a puppy receives hospitalization, extensive supportive care, and close monitoring.
Effective treatment involves a hospital stay lasting 5-7 days, incurring a considerable cost ranging from $1000 to $1500.
This news deeply shook us. We are quite newbies pet owners. More than a decade ago, our only previous experience with inviting a puppy into our family ended tragically with a Dalmatian succumbing to the exact same virus, dying in my arms. Can you imagine how this made me feel?!
Without hesitation, we rushed to bring our current pup home. Upon returning, I activated my ozone generator, creating ozonated water in glass flasks and filling special bags with ozone gas. Immediately, we headed back to the dog wellness center. The owner administered the ozonated water as drinking water, and the ozone gas in bags was used for rectal insufflations in small doses over the next few days. I replicated the same treatment for my puppy at home.
A few days later, we took our dog to reunite with his four-legged friends. Watching them run through the fields, all happy and healthy, was a moment of pure joy for us. It marked a remarkable turnaround for our pup. It was a very happy day for us all indeed!
Ozone is not endorsed or considered by the mainstream as a medical or veterinary treatment. Well, that’s fine, but it worked once again.
— A Happy Pet Owner”


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