The story of a virus and ozone

Dr. Robert Rowen, an expert in ozone therapy, explains what let him write the article called: “A plausible penny costing remedy for the corona virus”. He co-authored the article with Dr. Howard Robins.

Dr. Rowen derives the effect of ozone on corona virus from its effect on Ebola virus, a virus of similar structure. He gives an analysis of how this virus works on a cell by comparing the cell with a cookie jar and the virus wanting to suck jar’s goodness.

The virus is encapsulated in an lipid envelop which allows the virus to attach itself to the cell. The lipid envelope is rich in sulfur bearing amino acids. Those amino acids are absolutely necessary for the virus to attach itself to the cell. The sulfhydryl group (-SH) amino acids need to be present in the envelope of the virus for it to open the cell like fingers would open a cookie jar to suck out its goodness.

By the use of ozone the (-SH) group rich amino acids get rendered useless so the cell stays safe. The jar cannot be opened to suck out its goodness, the cell’s life energy is intact.

The corona virus and the Ebola are both lipid enveloped viruses and both are rich in Cystine and Tryptophan, two most vulnerable amino acids to . Their structure can simply be destroyed with ozone therapy.

Reference Dr. Rowan’s interview: “We are being farmed by pharma, 42:49” .

This is WHY we have made it our mission to have every household equipped with an ozone generator in 2022!
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