… you get in your hands
Have you ever noticed that after a thunderstorm the air has a poignant, fresh smell? You may recognize the fragrance in the air as familiar, but one that you’ve never been able to place. It’s the same fragrance when there are ocean waves and waterfalls, as well as when sunlight falls on fields of snow.
This smell is ozone, a gas that is produced during all these natural circumstances.
However, we don’t have to wait for nature to make this substance. Modern technology has enabled us to be able to produce ozone with an ozone generator at will.
This machine-made ozone at will is exactly the same ozone nature is making.
Ozone has the feel of being cleansing… and indeed, that is precisely what it does. It cleanses the atmosphere when nature produces it. And when we are exposed to it, it similarly cleanses our bodies.
More than 100 years of research and medical administration of ozone have shown that virtually no pathogen (virus, bacteria, fungus, or parasite) or abnormal and diseased body cells are resistant to ozone.
Ozone helps relieve pain and inflammation.
Ozone detoxifies the body by breaking down the toxins and heavy metals in the body and helps build up healthy cells, tissues, organs and systems. In this way ozone builds up the body to restore homeostasis, leading to increased overall wellness and quality of life.
Ozone therapy breaks up lactic acid, increases cellular respiration in muscles, speeds up recovery of damaged tissue and accelerates growth of muscle.
Ozone increases microcirculation of the blood, by oxidizing plaque in the arteries, and reducing the clumping of red blood cells.
Ozone also has the potential to prevent cancer by delivering additional oxygen into the body.
We are here to be asked further questions regarding particular benefits of ozone specifically for your own situation.
Call us (289)217-5552 • (647)909-7419