The Hidden Dangers of Detox: Why the Right Preparation—and the Right Sauna—Matter

Intro from Recover U At Recover U, we’re passionate about helping people unlock the body’s natural ability to heal—safely and effectively. We don’t just provide cutting-edge ozone saunas; we also believe in educating our community on how to use them as part of a thoughtful, science-backed wellness strategy. That’s why we’ve partnered with Dr. Oksana… Read more

Ozone Saunas: Revitalizing Detoxification Through Steam Therapy

Ozone is a gas made up of three oxygen atoms (O3). Ozone occurs naturally in small (trace) amounts in the stratosphere, and to some extent, the particles shield Earth from the full effect of the Sun’s ultraviolet (UV) light. Indeed, ozone is created when a regular oxygen molecule (O2), the type we breathe, drifts up… Read more

Breathing for Wellness: Unlocking the Power of Mindful Respiration

Breathing for Wellness: Unlocking the Power of Mindful Respiration post image

Hyperventilation increases stress hormones, such as cortisol and adrenaline. There’s no question that elevated stress hormones are detrimental. Cortisol, in particular, acts as a primary aging hormone. When chronically elevated, it accelerates the aging process by promoting tissue breakdown (catabolism). Additionally, cortisol is antimetabolic, meaning it reduces metabolic rate. To maintain health and age gracefully… Read more

Integrating therapeutic CO2 potential into wellness routine

Integrating therapeutic CO2 potential into wellness routine post image

Let us continue enlightening you about the unquestionable benefits of CO2 therapy that many people are completely unaware of. Depletion of CO2 lowers cellular energy production by reverting the body to nitric oxide (NO), an ’emergency’ vasodilator. NO is a reactive nitrogen species. When it combines with superoxide, it forms an extremely harmful compound, peroxynitrite. There are… Read more

Many people may not know about that

Many people may not know about that post image

We have been discussing the therapeutic uses of gases that benefit your health for years. Our main focus is on oxygen delivered in various ways, primarily targeting its most biologically active form: ozone. The benefits of ozone therapy would be greatly diminished without the influence of another key player: CO2. Many of you may be… Read more

Exploring the Benefits of Ozone Therapy for Today’s Major Health Challenges

Exploring the Benefits of Ozone Therapy for Today’s Major Health Challenges post image

In continuation of our latest post pertaining to the benefits of ozone therapy in addressing the greatest health challenges humanity is facing today (cardiovascular diseases, untreatable cancers, complex infections), we will take a closer look at some of the unique features of this medical modality. Ozone therapy greatly enhances the process of phagocytosis, which is… Read more

Exploring the Benefits of Ozone Therapy: A Solution to Modern Health Challenges

Exploring the Benefits of Ozone Therapy: A Solution to Modern Health Challenges post image

The problem facing humanity today is that there are too many diseases that cannot be solved by contemporary allopathic medicine. Mainly cardiovascular issues, untreatable cancers, and resistant intricate infections are plaguing us now. All these health challenges present complex and multidimensional etiology. The common denominator here is the deficiency of electrons. Ozone therapy is a… Read more

The timeless efficacy of ozone therapy: 174 years of medical advancement

The timeless efficacy of ozone therapy: 174 years of medical advancement post image

We have participated in Dr. Schallenbergers’ online training and would like to bring to you some of our acquired knowledge in a simplified manner. Our immune system is composed of two parts: Th1 and Th2 immunity. They both have to be in balance for our immune system to function properly. They regulate our immune system… Read more

CO2 Application in Recover U Saunas

CO2 Application in Recover U Saunas post image

We want to share or remind you of a health hack which is of utmost importance as it can greatly contribute to your overall well-being. It is the often misunderstood CO2 gas, a gas that is considered toxic, yet crucial to the delivery of oxygen and relatively simple to administer in Recover U steam saunas. Lack… Read more

Longevity – a decisive trend of the future

Longevity – a decisive trend of the future post image

You have probably heard or read about the term “longevity” once or even many times in the press in recent weeks or months! No wonder, because “longevity” is one of the major key trends of the near future and describes the ability to live a long life beyond the species-specific average age of death. Being… Read more



Overview of Recover U steam sauna with ozone Recover U Ozone Steam Sauna provides fundamental treatment accompanying and supporting many other therapies. Modalities that can be applied in the ozone steam sauna cabinet Hyperthermia Carbonic Acid Ozone EWOT – Exercise with Oxygen Therapy 3. Hyperthermia therapy Raising body temperature by 1–2 degrees above normal, has a… Read more

Ozone for Your Athletics

Ozone for Your Athletics post image

We know that physical activity is beneficial for both our bodies and spirits! Engaging in any form of athletics, whether big or small, makes us feel more alive and happier. Yet, somehow, at this time of year, we find ourselves lacking the motivation to start moving in a serious fashion. It might be that we… Read more

A Powerful Solution for Pet Infections

A Powerful Solution for Pet Infections post image

Pet parents know that infections can occur in any part of their beloved animal’s body. Not all of them are aware that ozone can be applied therapeutically to all ailing animal tissues. Due to ozone’s powerful anti-infection properties, it can be a champion treatment for an animal suffering from a local or systemic infection. Commonly… Read more

Success with Our Four-Legged Furry Friend

Success with Our Four-Legged Furry Friend post image

Here is a pet owner’s success story that we are eager to share with you. “Last week, as I was en route to Toronto, I dropped off my pup at his pet hotel—a dog wellness center—for an overnight stay. I always feel fortunate to have such a reliable place for him. However, when I returned… Read more

The rise of patient-centric wellness movement

The rise of patient-centric wellness movement post image

There is an emerging grassroots movement aimed at helping people restore their wellness by creating patient-centered care that is dynamic and connects individuals to achieve the highest possible level of health and vitality. This movement represents a progression toward a healthcare system that shifts its focus to holistic healing through an integrative approach. The central… Read more

Hyperthermia: unleashing the power of heat

The origin of the saunas is far from the luxurious spas of today. They have been used for eons by different cultures around the globe. With the target of increasing body temperature (hyperthermia), all ancient civilizations made use of basic facilities to facilitate excessive sweating. Our ancestors have been aware of the fact that profuse… Read more

Insights from Dr. Rowen

Insights from Dr. Rowen post image

We wanted to share this citation from Dr. Rowen just in case if you are sitting on the fence and debating whether ozone therapy actually works, is safe or could benefit you in some way. We read it and immediately felt the need to share it with you. He states: “An example close to my… Read more

Transforming Spaces for Well-being: When Home or Workplace Makes You Sick

Transforming Spaces for Well-being: When Home or Workplace Makes You Sick post image

Last week, we came across a very interesting interview of Dr. Mercola with architect Paula Baker-Laporte. We were highly impressed by the work of Paula Paula Baker-Laporte, who has dedicated her professional life to the principles of environmentally sound and health-enhancing architecture. She helps people create healthy homes, essentially turning them into living sanctuaries. The… Read more

Surviving wildfire season: protecting yourself and your home

Surviving wildfire season: protecting yourself and your home post image

Wildfires are a significant and recurring issue that affects numerous communities worldwide, including Canada. Hotter and drier conditions increase the likelihood of fire ignition and accelerate their spread. In the northern hemisphere, the wildfire season typically runs from early April to late October. During this period, wildfires spread through forests and grasslands, generating dense smoke… Read more

Rethink your healing strategy

Rethink your healing strategy post image

Healing from any chronic disease is a complicated matter. Often, it takes a long time to get better. Sometimes, people can never recover from their chronic illnesses. Why is that? Human bodies are not less complex than any complicated chronic disease. We, as living beings, operate on intertwined levels: physical, electromagnetic, mental, intuitive, and spiritual… Read more

Unveiling ozone therapy benefits mechanisms and considerations

Unveiling ozone therapy benefits mechanisms and considerations post image

Ozone therapy has gained significant attention in recent years due to its potential benefits for various body conditions. Ozone therapy involves administering ozone gas to the body through various routes, such as intravenous infusions, insufflations, and ozone steam sauna. Once introduced into the body, ozone reacts with various substances, such as lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates… Read more

How steam sauna enhance immunity and general health

How steam sauna enhance immunity and general health post image

Steam saunas have been used for centuries as a therapeutic practice to enhance overall health and well-being. The combination of heat and steam in a sauna environment offers numerous benefits, including improved immunity and general health. Steam sauna can positively impact immune system and contribute to our overall well-being. By understanding the science behind steam sauna… Read more

Addressing challenges in recovering from chronic disease

Addressing challenges in recovering from chronic disease post image

Would you ever question why it takes so long to get better and recover from any chronic disease? You have probably questioned it, and you are not alone. Many sick people we work with ask the same question. We are fascinated by the power of ozone and what it could offer to people who are… Read more

A wise bear always keeps a marmalade sandwich in his hat in case of emergency

A wise bear always keeps a marmalade sandwich in his hat in case of emergency post image

We are aware that you care about your health, wellbeing, and your future. We want to share some GOODNESS to counterbalance the bad that we keep hearing about: nose-diving dollar, breaking food supply chains, inflation, prognosis of sweeping food shortages and other. TODAY we have something tangibly good to share with you. After the events… Read more

Ozone usage in summer – hands-on tips

Ozone usage in summer – hands-on tips post image

Make sure you get FULL use of your ozone generator in the summer. 1. PURIFY Purify and energize your drinking water with ozone at home or at your cottage. 2. REHYDRATE AND REENERGISE Ozone, unlike reverse osmosis water, is scientifically proven to be highly energetically loaded water. You can ozonate reverse osmosis water to achieve… Read more



Ozone gas can be dissolved into liquid with simple bubble diffusers. This is a simple and cost-effective method to dissolve ozone gas into liquid. As ozone is partially soluble into liquid the ozone gas will transfer into liquid immediately at the interface between the ozone gas bubble surface and the surrounding water. OZONATED WATER FOR… Read more

Ozone effect on pathogens

Ozone effect on pathogens post image

HOW DOES OZONE DISINFECT As we have mentioned before, ozone is a biocide that works similarly to chlorine and so it is used in a similar manner. Through direct contact with ozone the wall of the microorganism’s cell becomes oxidized and destroyed. When the wall is compromised in this manner cellular components leak outside the… Read more

What makes a perfect ozone sauna

What makes a perfect ozone sauna post image

Several years back we have asked ourselves, what would make a perfect ozone sauna (an ozone sauna EXTRAORDINAIRE) and here are the points we thought important. Wet heat, meaning steam, because the water droplets are the best carrier for the ozone molecules. A sauna constructed out of a fiberglass –a material which is rated as highly ozone… Read more

Have your own spa

A picture with a young person stretching with her hands up near a sea with splashes of water and ozone O3 symbol in the sky.

HAVE YOU HEARD OF HIGH-GRADE OZONE AND ITS POWER? WHETHER YOU HAVE OR NOT, PLEASE STILL READ OUR ARTICLE. IT COULD BE OF GREAT HELP TO SOMEONE YOU CARE ABOUT. WHAT IS OZONE? Ozone is a gas found in its natural state in higher levels of the atmosphere and is blue in colour, hence the… Read more

Extraordinary features of ozone

Extraordinary features of ozone post image

In his latest video interview Dr. Robert Rowan elaborates on extraordinary features of ozone applied therapeutically and why it is an imperative component of healing modalities used in progressive, cutting edge medicine. Oxygen is the most important element to our survival, brain will decompose without it in three minutes! When your body is infected with… Read more

Immune system modulator

Immune system modulator post image

Recently, we have started zeroing in on the various aspects of ozone’s therapeutic benefits that make OZONE such a powerful weapon against bacteria and viruses alike. Today we will go a step further in showing the importance of ozone in current times by taking up next benefits of ozone. Dr. Robert Rowen goes over this… Read more

The story of a virus and ozone

The story of a virus and ozone post image

Dr. Robert Rowen, an expert in ozone therapy, explains what let him write the article called: “A plausible penny costing remedy for the corona virus”. He co-authored the article with Dr. Howard Robins. Dr. Rowen derives the effect of ozone on corona virus from its effect on Ebola virus, a virus of similar structure. He… Read more

Ozone and animal health

Ozone and animal health post image

My love for pets is enormous, and they have always been a big part of my life. Based on my understanding of ozone I have often applied it gently to my animals. However, I am by no means an expert in animal health care, so to broaden my knowledge, I have recently spend some time… Read more

Support for immune system

Support for immune system post image

In our posts we repeat again and again that ozone helps and builds the immune system. The reason ozone works well and supports the immune system function lies in the fact that ozone is an immune system modulator. In a recent interview Dr. Frank Shallenberger has explained this phenomena closer. He stated that when we… Read more

Brilliant ozone therapy application

Brilliant ozone therapy application post image

One brilliant ozone therapy application is a rectal application of the ozone gas. It is useful and effective but underutilized. It is a fascinating form of ozone therapy application from the viewpoint that: 1. many diseases start in the intestines (where most of our immune system resides); 2. it travels straight to the liver. Your… Read more

How you could win the battle with low energy

How you could win the battle with low energy post image

Hope you all had an enjoyable Eastern holidays. Myself, after spending some time hiking with my family on Sunday, I was able to sit back for “me time” with the love of my life – the integrative medicine. In the comfort of my home I engulfed myself in the recordings of lectures and interviews of… Read more

A very strong and human friendly virucide

A very strong and human friendly virucide post image

As our company is specializing in distribution of ozone generators kits for home use for medical purposes, my business partner and myself have been in possession of ozone generator kits for years and have been using them on a daily basis in our own homes. I want to apologize that I have not shared with… Read more

Detox: The Freshly Ozonated Man

Detox: The Freshly Ozonated Man post image

Here is a good story from pre Covid era written by one of our happy ozone user. “I spent time in an ozone sauna after drinking ozonated water – it’s the latest heath sensation, the evolution of detoxification. Ozone is a confusing substance. It can be found high up in the air where its good… Read more

I hope you remember those principles

I hope you remember those principles post image

My dear friends, I hope you remember those physiological principles based on which ozone therapy works in your body and makes symptoms of ill health disappear one by one with time. If you do not, here is a refresher… 13 PHYSIOLOGICAL BENEFITS AND EFFECTS OF OZONE AS IT USED IN ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE   1. Ozone… Read more

When the science meets the nature…

When the science meets the nature… post image

… you get in your hands THE MOST POWERFUL EVER DISCOVERED OZONE GENERATORS Have you ever noticed that after a thunderstorm the air has a poignant, fresh smell? You may recognize the fragrance in the air as familiar, but one that you’ve never been able to place. It’s the same fragrance when there are ocean… Read more

You can do a lot to change today!

You can do a lot to change today! post image

Times have changed and so our life priorities with it. Staying well has become more important than ever. Smart, easy and effective natural antiviral treatments and ways to master your immunity are of paramount importance. Recover U ozone steam sauna system could be one of the most effective tools that will help you with that… Read more

The fountain of youth

The fountain of youth post image

Did you ever question the quality of water you ingest daily? If you did not, you probably should. We, people from the natural health circles, discuss the alarming state of our water often and there is a good reason why we are doing this. Water is not just one of the popular topics in discussion… Read more

What is ozonated water?

What is ozonated water? post image

Ozonated water is water that has been saturated with ozone (O3) by the use of an ozone generator. Its use and indeed many forms of ozone therapy remains controversial in some countries. That is not the story everywhere in the world. In some countries like France and Cuba people have been drinking ozonated water for years and various… Read more

Other view on vaccine

Other view on vaccine post image

Since many months the world has been debating the efficacy and safety of the current vaccines. As we work with ozone therapies, we believe that we have helped many to ward off and recover from the negative effects of Covid. We continue gathering information on ozone, its application and benefits relating to current ills. Yesterday I have found… Read more

A gift from us – FREE SHIPPING on ozone generator kits

A gift from us  – FREE SHIPPING on ozone generator kits post image

Purchase a small or large Recover U ozone generator kit this December for yourself or someone you love and we will cover the entire shipping to any place in Canada… Read more

Best place to be – a personal invitation

Best place to be – a personal invitation post image

Dear Clients and Friends, We warmly invite you to spend some quality “me time” in our suburban Mississauga centre over this cold December because we want to celebrate your health in this wet and cold winter month. In our Ozone Steam Sauna, we will heat you up; infuse you with energy and crank up your… Read more

Why Ozone Therapy should be Part of your Detox Routine

Every day, we come in contact with hundreds of chemicals and pollutants both inside and outside our home. As we go about our daily routine, we may not be aware of just how much they have an adverse effect on our health. They’re the pesticides in the soil we use to grow our vegetable gardens… Read more

Is Ozone Therapy Safe?

For more than a century, medical ozone has been used to disinfect and treat diseases, improve the body’s intake and use of oxygen, and activate the immune system. Ozone was proven to heal wounds, increase blood flow and provide anti-inflammatory relief during World War I, and was used as a treatment for people with HIV… Read more

How Ozone Therapy Improves Athletic Performance

How Ozone Therapy Improves Athletic Performance post image

Whether you are a professional athlete or you just enjoy exercising, you know how important keeping up your oxygen levels to have an efficient workout and fast recovery time. During exercise, your breathing and heart rate increases to compensate for the extra oxygen needed for your body to release energy. If your lungs can provide… Read more


Hydrogen: Origin of Life and Importance to Health Nearly 14 billion years ago, hydrogen was produced by the “Big Bang,” and from hydrogen spawned all the elements of the periodic table. Hydrogen reacted with oxygen to produce the life-giving solvent water, and 3.6 billion years ago hydrogen was intrinsically involved in the genesis of life… Read more

Are you experiencing any of these symptoms?

Are you experiencing any of these symptoms? post image

Eons ago we survived because we were tough, fast and strong. We ate when the food was available, whether hunted or gathered, and we lived off our reserves when our nourishment was very sparse. We were in tune with nature, we were part of nature. We didn’t have pop, teas, coffees and sugars for quick… Read more

Don’t miss out on this BIOHACK!

Don’t miss out on this BIOHACK! post image

Integrative and alternative medicine, as well as the entire array of nonallopathic modalities, are continuously working on bringing to light and putting into application new and old therapies to BIOHACK* our body (scroll for definition below). This is why ozone therapies become a substantial part of the treatments. As a matter of fact, ozone is… Read more

A gift from nature harvested by Nicola Tesla

A gift from nature harvested by Nicola Tesla post image

Have you ever stepped outside after a thunderstorm to breath in the crisp air? This air is the work of ozone O3, nature’s way of cleansing itself, and boy, does it feel CLEAN! This phenomenon has been observed and explored by the brilliant scientist and humanitarian Nicola Tesla. He is the inventor of the first ozone generator for medical use.Ozone is a… Read more

Happy Thanksgiving!

This season we wish you all the health and quality of life! In the last email newsletter, we announce a special on iMRS system – Swiss Bionic Solutions’ innovation. The system is licensed as a Medical Device by Health Canada (view the licence) and complimenting intravenous and other treatments (ozone steam sauna, ozonated water, ozone insufflation)… Read more

Hot! Hot! Hot!

Welcome to the most colourful season of the year – October! At Swiss Bionic Solutions, a globally organized company, they call it “ROCKTOBER”. Swiss Bionic Solutions’ product range focuses on integrated wellness and healthcare for home-use utilizing pulsed magnetic field therapy (PEMF) / magnetic resonance stimulation. The iMRS PEMF device has been a mainstay in our clinic… Read more

Canadian Medical Ozone System for Home Use

Canadian Medical Ozone System for Home Use post image

Have you heard of medical ozone and its power? Whether you have or not, please still read our article. It could be of great help to your health problems or someone you care about. As one of the very few places in Ontario and the only one in GTA, Urban Integrative IV and Detox Clinic deliver intravenous treatments combined with… Read more

Address change announcement

We would like to inform you that as of July 1, 2018, the Recover U Technologies and Services Inc. (Mississauga location) will be moved to a new unit to serve you better. The street address will remain the same, but the new office will be in unit 26. The new location is at 3190 Ridgeway… Read more

What our user has to say about her experience

What our user has to say about her experience post image

Watch a user success with ozone steam sauna at Recover U Technologies and Services Inc… Read more


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